Apologies for not being in your lesson this afternoon - I have to visit another school. I did warn you in advance, so this work can either be completed at home, or in the sixth form study areas, or in my classroom. Wherever you complete it, I want you to spend exactly 60 minutes on it - which is the amount of time you'll have in the exam.
I'd like you to plan and write an essay on Postmodernism. You can answer either of the two questions we looked at last week:
1. How do postmodern media differ from other media?
2. How far do you accept the idea of postmodern media?
The lesson on Wednesday will be based on these essays - so it is vitally important that they are completed to a good standard. I want to see:
- Evidence that you planned the essay;
- Examples taken from both film and video games;
- Inclusion of some critical theorists.
You're free to use any notes, books, or articles that you have - although you won't have these in the exam, it's a good way to start learning how to write this kind of essay.
That's all, folks - see you on Wednesday!
- JL
PS - I just read this article by Charlie Brooker about modern communication. Without intending to, he seems to have hit on quite a Postmodern idea... I'd be interested to hear your thoughts. - JL