Tuesday 18 December 2012

Deadlines, Christmas, and Postmodernism

"I like deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go past" - Douglas Adams

Well, the filming deadline is upon us. If you haven't met it, then it's essential that there is evidence on your blog for when you will be filming in January, and that you are organised to do so. Explaining why you haven't met the deadline is probably a good idea, too.

I'm not setting any formal Media Studies homework over the Christmas holidays, particualrly as I know lots of you have January exams to prepare for. However, as we'll be moving on to study Postmodernism later this year, it would be an excellent idea to do some research in preparation for the unit. In order to do so, you can:

1. Watch any of the following films:
Blade Runner
Kill Bill (Vol. I and Vol. II)
Pulp Fiction
The Matrix
Fight Club
Kick Ass
A Scanner Darkly

2. Play any of the following videogames, ideally right the way through the main storyline:
Assassin's Creed (any of the games from number 2 onwards)
Any of the Grand Theft Auto games
Red Dead Revolver
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
The Sims

3. Read any of the following:
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Kick Ass
The Walking Dead

That's it. The more of these kinds of texts you know about, the better prepared you'll be for the exam. Start early!

Have a lovely Christmas and New Year, and good luck if you have any January exams...

 - JL

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